A Complete Guide to Selling Your House
Selling your home can be an emotional, overwhelming and stressful experience. We are here for you to make the process as streamlined and exciting as possible. In this blog, we’ve collected the best tips to sell your property quickly and with ease.
The best place to start is by contacting your local real estate agent to discuss commissions and fees, local market trends, the best solicitor for the job, whether you need to renovate or improve your property and to get a property valuation. Your real estate agent will be able to help with Government recommendations to ensure you will be following what is required to avoid fines or a delay on your sale.
According to the Queensland Government, there are three typical ways to sell your home, including:
- Sale by treaty or tender
A sale by treaty invites offers from interested buyers who the seller can negotiate with to achieve the ideal sale price. Tender refers to when you select the best offer at the closing date of the sale.
- Sale by auction
A public auction is an excellent choice for those wanting a quick sale or for selling in a hot market.
- A private sale
Selling privately negates the need for an agent and the accompanying fees. It's important to ensure your sale follows all legalities to keep the sale fair and locked in.
Determining which sale method will suit your property is a great place to start, along with contacting your local real estate agent to discuss the market in your area, the best method of sale for your property and to obtain a property valuation. Your initial research into these aspects will grant an insight into what you can expect from the sale process, the price you may achieve and the fees to anticipate.
When deciding to sell your home there are things you can do to prepare the property to achieve the best possible price.
- Prepare the property.
Getting the property in the best shape for sale is an integral part of the process to sell a property. In most cases, the property must look its best and be in the best shape to gain the highest price. Preparing for sale can include giving the property a splash of paint, new tiles or benchtops, new cabinetry or landscaping. The home may just need a good clean and tidy with wear and tear repaired and your real estate agent will be able to discuss with you what is needed to get the home up to scratch.
- First impressions count.
The exterior of your home can leave the best first impression and bring free advertising to your property. A freshly mowed lawn and a weedless garden will inspire buyers that your home is well looked after and that the outside will be reflected in the upkeep of the interior. Additionally, buyers will love the potential that outdoor entertaining can provide and an improved fence with added security may put your property above the rest.
- Think like a buyer.
Your home will need professional photos and videos captured to get potential buyers interested. This is where home staging becomes critical. When cleaning, styling and primping your home for the photo session, try to remove the emotional attachment you have to the old rocking chair or the height markings on the wall. If the home is staged to appeal to the largest potential audience, it can attract a larger pool of buyers. Consider what will modernize, stylize and improve the home and make a list of aspects of the home that may turn you off as a potential buyer.
- Trust the process.
Selling your home can take longer or move quicker than anticipated. Our skilled and experienced property managers at G1 property work full time on your behalf to get your property sold quickly for your ideal price. We know the ins and outs of what needs to happen before settlement day and a reputable agent will keep you informed while keeping their ear to the ground for potential buyers and market changes.
After selecting the mode of which to sell your home, and by following our tips to get your home sale-ready, settlement day may be closer than you think. Once you have prepared the property, listed your home, and had potential buyers through to inspect, the only thing left to do is accept your dream offer, sign the contract of sale, and wait for the 5-day cooling-off period to end. Settlement day generally falls within 30-90 days of the sale, and your agent will take care of transferring the funds and organising handover.
Our tried and true sales process has been created to sell your property at the best possible price within the quickest time frame. We promote and price your property so that you can expect fast action and full value. Your property will be promoted by our office until your successful sale.
For more information on our sales process, or to contact us to get started on selling your property, enquire here.
Buying and selling your home | Australian Taxation Office
Settlement day when selling your home | Your rights, crime and the law | Queensland Government